Code Red Summaries

Friday, April 7, 2017


Andre Periera - Senior - 1pm to 4pm -

This week's code red was focused on helping students prepare for their upcoming examinations for CS111 and CS112. For CS112, the students had a very good grasp on the material and basically wanted affirmation if their line of thinking was in-tune with the material. One student in particular had a question regarding a rotation problem with AVL trees. After explaining that while a visual (on paper) rotation on a specific problem could be done in two ways for one of the scenarios, for coding purposes (and general analysis of the algorithm itself) it's best to keep it simple; simple = smart. CS111 students had a bit of a bump to overcome: understanding objects in programming. Helping some of the students out with this concept proved to be a bit of a challenge, but we were able to do so and they appear to be better prepared for their exam.

All in all, it was a very successful code red.
