# this is a comment # # Lars # # Keyboard input... # import pygame, sys, random from pygame.locals import * # set up pygame pygame.init() mainClock = pygame.time.Clock() # set up the window WINDOWWIDTH = 400 WINDOWHEIGHT = 400 windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Input') # set up the colors BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) # set up the player and food data structure foodCounter = 0 NEWFOOD = 40 FOODSIZE = 20 player = pygame.Rect(300, 100, 50, 50) foods = [] for i in range(20): foods.append(pygame.Rect(random.randint(0, WINDOWWIDTH - FOODSIZE), random.randint(0, WINDOWHEIGHT - FOODSIZE), FOODSIZE, FOODSIZE)) # set up movement variables moveLeft = False moveRight = False moveUp = False moveDown = False MOVESPEED = 6 # run the game loop while True: # check for events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: # change the keyboard variables if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == ord('a'): moveRight = False moveLeft = True if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == ord('d'): moveLeft = False moveRight = True if event.key == K_UP or event.key == ord('w'): moveDown = False moveUp = True if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == ord('s'): moveUp = False moveDown = True if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == ord('a'): moveLeft = False if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == ord('d'): moveRight = False if event.key == K_UP or event.key == ord('w'): moveUp = False if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == ord('s'): moveDown = False if event.key == ord('x'): player.top = random.randint(0, WINDOWHEIGHT - player.height) player.left = random.randint(0, WINDOWWIDTH - player.width) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: foods.append(pygame.Rect(event.pos[0], event.pos[1], FOODSIZE, FOODSIZE)) foodCounter += 1 if foodCounter >= NEWFOOD: # add new food foodCounter = 0 foods.append(pygame.Rect(random.randint(0, WINDOWWIDTH - FOODSIZE), random.randint(0, WINDOWHEIGHT - FOODSIZE), FOODSIZE, FOODSIZE)) # draw the black background onto the surface windowSurface.fill(BLACK) # move the player if moveDown and player.bottom < WINDOWHEIGHT: player.top += MOVESPEED if moveUp and player.top > 0: player.top -= MOVESPEED if moveLeft and player.left > 0: player.left -= MOVESPEED if moveRight and player.right < WINDOWWIDTH: player.right += MOVESPEED # draw the player onto the surface pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, WHITE, player) # check if the player has intersected with any food squares. for food in foods[:]: if player.colliderect(food): foods.remove(food) # draw the food for i in range(len(foods)): pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, GREEN, foods[i]) # draw the window onto the screen pygame.display.update() mainClock.tick(40)